This guide will inform you on how to create an extended warranty within Code, for Code & Magicard items. Primarily extended warranties add warranty time coverage onto the base warranty and get entered in SAP. This is slightly different from our Identicard team, who enters warranties in Sales Force. Follow these step by step instructions for how to place within SAP. 

  1. First confirm you are in the correct sales org and division. Code primarily operates within 1150 10 99 40 for USA based customers and most of Asia. 6250 10 99 40 for Europe. Most extended warranties tend to be entered within 1150 div 40. 
  2. Once on the main SAP screen select the "Service Mgmt" tab, then "Service Contract Create-Ext Warranty". Please make sure you have the correct sold to account selected before proceeding. All warranty PO's are treated as service items, so nothing physical will ship out.
  3. Enter the PO number and set the order reason as 838 extended warranty. Hit enter and enter the purchase order type
  4. Hit the glass bubble to bring up the field to search by material description, then enter in your part number and hit enter, this will take you to your part number ynumber, double click on the y number to select
  5. Highlight the line then go under extras at the top of the screen and then technical objects to add the serial numbers connected to the warranty. Use transaction IQ03 to search each serial number to get the ship date of the item. The ship date will serve as the contract start date later. Please note, if two serial numbers are showing different ship dates then a second line will need to be added to the order and the serial will need to be entered in the technical objects of the new line. Only serial numbers with the same shipping dates can be entered on the same line. 
  6. Enter in the serial numbers under the serial number tab and then use the search bubble to search by material description to enter the part or enter using the ynumber 

  7. From there go to the header line, then contract data tab. Enter in the contract start date and then end date. The start date will be based on the ship date of the serial numbers for the line. Set the terms to year. The cancellation period should always be 0003 as code does not have a cancellation policy. To find the warranty coverage terms goto, The warranty start date will be based on the base coverage+ the term of the extended warranty being purchased. For example, a CR2700 has a base 3 year warranty, with the peak coverage of two years the total term would for 5 years.
  8. Once the contract dates are set from there just add the PO and save! Please note warranties go on an automated billing block, take this off once the order is saved after double checking that everything is correct.